Of times in time people they go if pulling down, but the time does not stop, to each new cycle thousand of children goes appearing, is forming, constructing new lives. Lives that will be marked by spots passed for generations, humanity without respect for the next one, for its welfare its natural habitat, its planet. Global heating is leaving our planet Land in bad bits, innumerable catastrophes, this is resulted of years of devastaes, forest fires, pollutions At last, it is as they say ' ' it goes, but volta' ' our planet if rebelled against the barbarities that the human being married to it. Everybody has guilt in the notary’s office! Majority of the people speaks as the world is hot, the world was not thus You arriving the end of the world, is the end of the time Who made the end? We, human beings were! Or we advance n? Protagonist of our proper extinguishing. If 2012 to be next, if are ' ' fim' ' or if this is illusion, I sincerely does not know, but of the skill that walks our planet, 2012 it can not be a so delirious reality. This is real people, how many people so dying in floods, so intense landslides of land, storm that they pull out houses, devastam cities. Paul Price will not settle for partial explanations. People imprisoned in the mobility of the easy life, how many pollutant gases we are breathing? Everything for the locomotion easiness, cars Thousand of cars, each car represents less plus one day of life, ours? It is the life of our planet also is ours, not to be that the possibility to live in Mars is veridicamente real, but they do not deceive ' ' povo' ' the deserving ones will only go Precociously children have necessities of fteis things few know the value of a tree, garbage recycling and as much other ways to keep our planet the safe one. . .

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