In the private health insurance, a distinction between tariff benefits and so-called “optional benefits”. At the collective benefits or services is required by the policyholder, a legal claim under the insurance contract the PKV. Refunds of optional services will be reimbursed at the discretion of health insurance, in the case without legal obligation, eg to the refund of tools that are not listed in the resource catalog, and are still paid by the PKV. The private health insurance knows, in contrast to the statutory health insurance only for reimbursement of medical bills in cash, in the performance of SHI is the doctor or hospital in kind between doctors and statutory health insurance directly billed. All questions regarding insurance benefits are regulated in the PKV insurance law in general, part of the GIP PKV. There, questions about the obligation, to pay the insurance benefits and limitation or elimination of service obligation described. Consequently, when a change from the statutory fund in the private health insurance or oneChanges within the private sector, a comparison of the various PKV GCI’s business sense. Insurance benefits in detail and the exact refund amount in the tariff conditions in the special part of GCI’s regulated. The benefit is generally provided to the policyholder and not, as in the case of SHI, the treating physician. An exception is the reimbursement in the hospital. This is where most private health insurance companies a clinic card for the insured person from creating, so jump on presentation at the hospital here, the insurance company can settle with the hospital.
Filed under: General