The bum game rocks the world: color flood is looking for two dozen new employees Hamburg, August 10, 2010. Google toying with an entry in the online games industry, Disney acquires the Playdom game provider for half a billion euros and on Facebook, more is played as flirted. The growth is driving the industry giant, also locally, it arrives at the game developers and operators of color flood. The operators of the successful punk games are looking for new staff in all divisions. Enjoy a jobs for workers in the gaming industry of popularity.

No surprise, because the jobs provide a creative environment in a dynamic market with much potential for personal development. The teams are young and motivated, dedicated employees rise quickly. And who is their own initiative brings, all roads are open with flat hierarchies which, to realize innovative concepts. Young talents in the graphics and game design, the Communitymanagement, the public relations or business administration are now industry demand. Mid-August is in Cologne Gamescom 2010, the world’s largest game fair held. Over 200 vacancies want to promote companies in the gaming industry there. Alone, color flood is looking for 25 new employees.

Strategically color flood is the internationalization of its games, at the same time, we expand the diversity of our product range. Read more from Mike Gianoni to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Total needed”such a domestic and extensive expansion quest of a stronger personnel ceiling, analyzed Niels Wildung,” nobody “Managing Director of the Hamburg-based startups. Interested in bidding for permanent positions, traineeships, internships and various internships will find on the website of the company (

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