The ones that does not work and nor study in microregion arrives at the total of 16.708, where the cities of Japaratuba, Japoat and Pacatuba present similar indices, while Pirambu and San Francisco the minors. In Sergipe the data show one high percentage of people dismissed about 614.089, being that the assets economically are of 1.089.358. Read additional details here: Gale Harold. (Graphical: 13 and 14) (Graphical 13) Microregion (Graphical 14) Sergipe Graphical 13 and 14: They work or not, they study or not in the city of residence in Sergipe Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000. MOVEMENT OF MIGRATION OF the POPULATION Occurs due the easiness of displacement, that promotes a movement between the capital and other cities, in result of in the distance being small. The city of Japaratuba is what more it is distinguished in the pendular migration, where the population searchs work or good and service. For in such a way the microregion ocorrente in all the state of Sergipe possesss the same trends.
The monthly income (Table 02) of wage minimum in 2000, demonstrates that most of the microregion receives one (1) minimum wage, and the income goes diminishing as increases the amount of the minimum wage. Monthly income of the Microregion (Minimum wage) Cities Up to 1 More 2 3 More 5 10 More 10 20 More than 20 Japaratuba 3,041 457 167 79 17 Japoat 3,325 208 67 27 09 Pacatuba 2,402 108 30 35 — Pirambu 1,841 184 72 18 29 San Francisco 757 39 06 03 — Table 02: Monthly income of the region Sergipe Source: Demographic census: results and amostras.IBGE, 2000 Agriculture, industry, construction, commerce, lodging and feeding of the Microregion (2000) agriculture in the microregion more are raised in Japoat and minor in San Francisco, the too much cities are similar. In the industry Japaratuba and Japoat, Pacatuba and Pirambu possess indices similar. In the construction and the commerce who more is distinguished is the city of Japaratuba while Pirambu is the minor, and San Francisco is the lesser index in the commerce.
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