Price of soybean 1992-2008. The last year the price increased 86 . On June 13, 2008, the price of soybeans reached a new record, reaching au s 573 for the month of August, ie 27 since January 1.
In particular, the high profitability arising from the exceptional increase in international prices of soybeans, leading to agricultural entrepreneurs to turn towards the planting of transgenic soybeans in a process called “sojizacion ” which brought the country to become the third world producer of raw soybeans and soybean oil first. This process is largely controlled by powerful economic groups organized Aapresid (Asociacion de Siembra Directa Soy), ACSoja (Association of Chain soybeans) and the Oil Industry Chamber (CIARA). Soy is a plant native to China, very high protein value (close to 35 ), thus capable of replacing the meat in the diet, besides being the raw material of soybean oil, increased oil production in the world, soybean meal and pellet feed. It is also used to produce plastics and biofuels.
There is a discussion on the process of ‘sojizacion “of agricultural production and its limits. Certain sectors have questioned its impact on desertification, deforestation, the trend toward monoculture, ecological threats from genetically modified products, and the crisis of large sections of rural production, especially meat and milk. From another point of view, those defending the process sojizacion, claim that soy is the main product demanded by the international market, and that if Argentina did not occur, it would have been impossible to produce a jump that took the field production Argentina.
In early 2008, Enrique Martinez, president of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial (INTI), published an analysis of the agrarian conflict, noting the high rates of profitability in the sector and sojero of grains in general, and the massive influx of financial capital in it, analyzing the role of withholding taxes and other measures of economic deconcentration and promotion of small producers. The investigation also revealed INTI novelty of the appearance of large numbers of landowners who have taken the decision to lease their land to large economic groups, in exchange for an income of not less than 15 In 2008, a lease of 300 acres for the cycle this sojero valued at 180,000, while the capital to an account owner of 100 acres in southern Santa Fe, over a million dollars.
Percentage of acres devoted to each crop (grain) in Argentina. Can be viewed as soybeans (green) steadily increased its presence, while the rest decreased.
The Argentine sojizacion field was accompanied by profound changes in the structure of land tenure and production systems. These changes are driven by the emergence of two new forms of rural production, the big economic groups and pools of agricultural seed, in turn linked to large exporting companies, and the agricultural industries.
Large agricultural economic groups began to appear late in the 1980s, consolidated in the 1990s, consistent with the dissolution of the National Grain Board. These are farmers who left the traditional residence of colonial root for organizing integrated rural enterprises (planting, harvesting, storing and marketing), with intensive use of information technology and biotechnology, and use of modern business, as outsourcing, the professional management and productive innovation. Among these companies are multinational, operating in a largely agricultural region covering continental Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, as the Grob, Adecoagro (the magnate George Soros), Cresud Elsztain group, the Bemberg group, the group and the Werthein Tejar.
Farm near the town of Junin.
The so-called “sowing pools, are temporary trusts through which gather large masses of financial capital, land and resources, to gain market power and ability to influence prices in the chain. appeared in precariously the 1990s, to disappear during the recession of 1998-2002, but after 2003, with economic recovery in Argentina, returned to appear to move solidly. Although they are not well identified, it is estimated that there are at least 30 large seed pools with an average of 70,000 acres each, which concentrate around 7 of the total area planted to grains. Furthermore, only Entre Rios, act 68 seed pools managed from outside the province.
The seeding pools allowed the massive influx of sectors outside the field, especially financial, agricultural production and substantially changed the system of land tenure, to become great tenants and cause a large number of farmers own their lands, leaving the production to become annuitants.
The rise of the seed pools has been advocated for its ability to create economies of scale in the field, especially from the financial sector.
For their part, rural organizations have different values of seed pools.
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