Since 1998, Amena has been offering mobile telephone services in the Autonomous Community of Samsung the Basque Country, through HTC Euskaltel. The alliance had threatened Euskaltel September 2006, 450,000 contracts all the plans include for mobile phone (a market share of 45 ).
Since 2007, Euskaltel give its mobile telephony services directly with every plan to its own network in the Basque Country, rather than under its franchise with plans Orange. After that date, free phones Euskaltel will be a Motorola virtual mobile operator that operates under cover of Vodafone in the rest of Spain.
The disagreement between Orange and Euskaltel has led to what some call a war, war cellular phones or war telefonica orange by the mobile telephony contracts signed by wireless providers Euskaltel and Amena. Basque companies argue that consumers who hired a telephone service did so with wireless phones Euskaltel, companies that have contracts and bank details of customers. Therefore intends to maintain control over these contracts and refusing to provide data on Orange customers shared. However, Orange believes that these customers have signed a contract to provide the LG service you Amena, which was merely Euskaltel distributor or sales agent of Amena. slider phone Therefore, messages sent to users to go to the Customer of Orange, candy bar phone and has cellular coverage launched cellular phones a promotional campaign. Today (October 2006), Euskaltel mobile phones have a card that is only for you get a free cell phone when you join any of the plans the service through Orange and only cell phones gives consumption data for this company, so Euskaltel needed for this check.
Finally, the Telecommunications Market Commission to the appeal filed by both companies, decided that the cellular providers customers really belonged cell phones Euskaltel Amena since Nokia it was cellular phone plans the service provider and that customers who wanted to be with Euskaltel should behave. Those who did not initiate any formalities remained Amena customers.

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