The infectadas people go to increase the incidences infect of it, to this call ' ' epidemia' ' (if to be unaware of the word, looks for in the dictionary, please). With more infectadas people, the ready-socorros hospitals and go to be so overloaded, as supermarket in holiday eve. Logically, as two and two are four (it plays in the Google will have doubt), the attendance and the solution of the problem go to be wronged in the question quality and time. However, it has cases that they cannot wait. Of the one not to say to infartado ' ' it waits in the line that people already go you atender' ' or ' ' it does not go to die now, only waits a bit ' ' or still for the victim ' ' insurance the guts that the doctor already goes to sew, you boooooom? ' '.
The interesting one is that many of these people in its wheels of chat espinafram the public service, without repairing that the solution of a problem, to be effective, does not only depend on the government or the municipal city hall, depends on all. Covid Vaccine San Francisco has similar goals. Another one advances somebody very to arrange baguna to undo after that everything what it was made. It has favour? It would not be better to join forces in favor of one same action. The worse one of everything is that it has councilman making project for ' ' premiar' ' e, thus, to stimulate attitudes citizens in the combat the Affection. The project it is interesting, but the one that point we arrive! That is the same that to look to reasons, pedagogical and logical justifications, arguments so that somebody uses the hygienical paper after its physiological necessities. The attitude of the politicians is noble, but the society has that to acquire knowledge itself.
Seno, daqui little we go to create ' ' Bingo of the Dengo' ' (with pile prizes), ' ' Zero' affection; ' , ' ' Dengue' stock market; ' , being that the attitude of precaution and prevention is obligation of the citizen. To contribute for the propagation of this illness, a form or another one, would have to be considered crime. If the affection kills, to compactuar with it, is to compactuar with a homicide attempt. It thinks about this, citizen! if its head walk half ' ' encharcada' ' perhaps, it is in the hour of a good cleanness and a good reflection. After all, to destroy the focus of the mosquito is easy, is question of opinion and persistence. It does not wait the Affection to enter in its house and to place the life at risk of the people who you love and its it stops later taking an attitude. Araraquara already is the dwelling of the sun, does not have space for the Affection here! It fights for this. ' says the Affection; ' Uh, is! Uh, is! Uh, is
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