From the definition of the position of class of the participants, the characterization of its fights is derived: the definition of specific class the antagonism that the one that it defines perceives or accepts like court favorite. This takes to a darkening of the perception of the social antagonisms. In some cases, for example, the definition of the operated urban working-class as proletariado you make in them, combined with the evidence of the decreasing proportion of the population that enters this definition. It has taken to people to the conclusion that the class fight no longer is excellent to understand the change of articles of incorporation. In other cases, the working-class definition has taken of certain way, an incapacity to talk about to the development of new forms of fight (the student movement, the .feminism, ecologism, etc.).
When defining the working-class, constitutes in They. If even tenth that we comprised of the working-class, we do it observing to us in perspective and classifying same or the group to us to whom we belong (university students, professors, etc.) On the base of this definition, it is possible to pose the question about his it brings back to consciousness of class and to analyze it: What brings back to consciousness have of their position of class and its interests of class? It is this brings back to consciousness what would have to be? She is one true it brings back to consciousness or it is brings back to consciousness false or limited (tradeunionista)? If, as usually is argued, occurs this last case, then, frequently the conclusion is that the revolutionary transformation of the society is impossible or that it must be carried out from outside, that is to say, by a party or the intellectuals. If, on the other hand, we did not begin estimating the fetichizado character of the social relations, if we assumed that fetichizacion is a process and that the existence is inseparable of the constitution, as it changes this ours of vision of the class.
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