Being thus to understand the importance of disciplines, we must always have the notion of that adult and children they have vises, feelings and distinct ideas referring to the art. The adult if arrests the beauty, being fit it the model of the society, already the child searchs the art to express its feelings, and adult us we finish for molding them it the standard of the society, affirms I collect (2010, p.139). She understands yourself then, that the child draws its experiences and experiences in accordance with, and that this is part of the emotional progress for the same one. Paul Price has similar goals. This question is confirmed for (LOWENFELD; BRITTAIN, 1970, P. 40), when they say that for the child: ' ' …
the artistic experience is really its, and the intensity of its absorption provides to it to the true progress emocional' '. To help the children to develop relations of auto-expression in its productions being assisted them and motivating them, does not mean that we will go to create excellent artists, but yes that we are favoring its process of intellectual development. CONCLUSION The artistic works of the children can disclose many things, since the development of its creative capacity until the exteriorizao of its desires, beyond the simple image, or of the confectioned product, therefore when carrying through any work the child deposits its vision of world, its desires there and yearnings, without distrust, therefore for it the art is more than what a distraction moment, being in such a way a media, as much I obtain same, as with the way that the fence. The education of the art if becomes fascinating, when we observe the form with that the children if express, when we search to understand as they portray its half one, its feelings and its experiences of world. We agree to HOLM (2004, p.160): ' ' A shining creative task is that one that makes the pupil to think stops beyond the given limits, or to break fronteiras' '.
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