The Housing Institute, better known by its acronym as INVI, favored the interests of large real estate in Mexico City, thanks that lustfully objectives of some programs. Such is the case of which refers to the improvement of housing. This sentence was denounced by members of the technical advice, who participated in the scheme.The above-mentioned programme is known as PMV and so far has benefited one hundred seventy thousand poor families, approximately. It has been granted to all beneficiaries a number of credits so they can expand, servicing, or rebuild their homes. Also, this program has been cause of the creation of sources of employment, since it has fostered economic circulation in those neighborhoods that has come the PMV.On the other hand, an opposition group will be on these reforms who claim that the director of the Institute, Jose Antonio Revah Lacouture, has tried to impose a private model, in terms of housing production; This despite the fact that this project, which It has proven to be beneficial in terms of social production, it has been managed with greater efficiency in resources and responsibilities of the people who receive the PMV.This dissident group, commanded by the former director of the Raul Bautista Gonzalez program, cited as an example of such pretence that the beneficiaries often buy materials of construction to certain cement companies, rather than in the small businesses located in its colonies.
The beneficiaries have the responsibility to manage laugh them delivered and coordinating work to perform. They also expressed that half of the annual budget for the program, goes to the purchase of building materials. This budget is estimated at 970 million pesosOtro of the negative elements that highlights the opposition group is sought to impose the criteria for authorization of appropriations to those who are able to pay for it, instead of providing the credit most require them to those who. They also complained that INVI has been delaying the delivery of resources, situation that has given rise to irritation social, since no appropriations authorized from November of last year have been delivered to date.Therefore, technical advisors and representatives of civil society organizations met with the head of Government of Mexico City in order to express their dissatisfaction with respect to the changes that aim for the PMV.
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