Now to many is the question: "what are the most lucrative and sought after professions in the labor market?" Earlier, there were very much in demand profession of construction industries. But the economy suffered a significant change – a crisis brought about changes in the labor market. To date, the post-crisis period, the most relevant profession in the labor market is the sales manager. In a competitive business people just need professional advertisers, who will be able to attract people to their products. Next in the ranking are engineers and skilled workers.
After them followed by accountants, salesmen and sales representatives. The most interesting things – earlier trade representatives have been more in demand than sellers. Not lost relevance unskilled professions, such as secretary or a waiter. Though no matter how spoken news – lawyers are beginning to slowly recover its lost popularity among professionals. About this suggests a certain liveliness in contracts among enterprises.
Next in the ranking are the regional representatives, managers work with clients, doctors, computer programmers and medical representatives. Logistics, designers and operators of call-center bottom of the list of occupations in demand. It is worth noting that teachers and merchandisers have left the rating. Crisis, to Unfortunately, they replaced the list of most desired professions. Now the need for public employees no longer necessary, now needs a good predprenimateli and marketers who can successfully sell everything and everyone. Therefore, acquired relevance of their second profession – it increases the competitiveness of the labor market. The demand for a particular profession is constantly changing, and as prompts statistics, education is not a determining factor in profession, the main thing is not to lose the flexibility to view news items and evolve according to changing situations. PS: But no matter what profession you choose, to work on improving the professionalism to be constantly. Only under this condition, you become an expert in demand, and then among all the candidates for the position you take it. Contentwriter
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