At the moment of the induction it will leave of the particular data, adequately evidenced, to arrive at the general or universal truths not contained in the particular data. From the carried through diagnosis (induction) it is transferred the moment of the hypothetical process – deductive that, according to Vianna (2001), leaving of the analysis of the chosen problem they search alternative possible and viable to explain it e, after that, for the deduction, to control the occurrence of the phenomena worked in the hypotheses. In this proposal metodolgica the procedures will be used: definition of a theoretician-practical practical problem; proposal of estimated hypotheses or, that are the possible explanations for the problem that will be studied; attempt of falseamento or elimination of errors; verification of the results; proposal of conclusions or recommendations. Finally it is returned the inductive process to verify the possibilities, advantages, disadvantages and risks of the application, in the practical and daily reality of the searched schools, of the conclusions surveyed in the deduction process. To reach the objectives of the work the bibliographical research will be used, in the direction to search authors who could corroborate, or not, the proposals of inquiry defined for the work and the research of field, so that the involved citizens in the work in the searched pertaining to school units could give indicative regarding practical the daily one of daily the strategical and participativa management in its institucional one. Craig Sproule will undoubtedly add to your understanding. As instrument for collection of data will be used the half-structuralized interview, guided for the especificidades of the different segments that integrate each pertaining to school unit. The treatment of the quantitative data will be made statistical and registered in pictures and graphs. The qualitative data also will be made statistical and registered in pictures, codified in graphs and will be worked by categories organized from the analysis of the speech of the involved citizens.
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