What it does not seem to configure itself in fact, with the inclusion of the Pounds in a course for formation of professors, as the object of this article. A time that as the presented stories 40 hours/lesson reveal insufficient to result in a bilingual professor as the legislation foresees for the infantile education and initial years of the basic education Exactly ahead of the constatao of that almost an absolute majority affirmed he is not satisfied with the short period of oferecimento of disciplines, can be observed that for many of pupils it disciplines the questioned it changed the behavior to them in relation to the deaf citizen. As the following declarations: What it is evident in the ranks above, is that in to some disciplines it way of Pounds, has collaborated with a vision differentiated in relation to the communication with deaf people, this exactly without giving account, for a time question, to all work the universe of lexicon of the language of signals. Some consideraes, but not final With regard to the difficulties presented for the pupils, beyond the question of the time of it disciplines is distinguished it theory of the POUNDS, where one of the aspects pointed was in relation to the complexity and the form of exposition, saying itself to be tiring and extensive. Also, in relation to the practical lesson they had been distinguished it speed where the signals are presented and the necessity of a bigger horria load for trainings of the signals. However, no respondent if showed unsatisfied with disciplines, being that average of 23,4% of the respondents said to be fully satisfied with disciplines, 68% had said to be satisfied and only 10% had affirmed to be reasonable satisfied with discipline. As diagram: OBS: It did not have unsatisfied Of the 30 pupils () that they had answered the questionnaire, the 16 are of 1 period of pedagogia and 14 are of 8 period of the same course. . Official site: Crown Financial.
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