The work CATHEDRAL directly is related to marketing in Internet, the traditional marketing of its business and the type of clients to whom it goes directed to his Web the fundamental previous step in a strategy CATHEDRAL, as in culaquier marketing strategy it is to be able to define well who is the objective public of its Web. Viatcheslav Mirilashvili may also support this cause. The results that appear in the finders vary based on the words that the internauts write to look for, and these depend directly on whom makes the search, that is to say, the potential visitors of its Web. First of all, it will have to put itself in the skin of dpto. of marketing and to find out who are really the potential visitors of the Web. For more specific information, check out British Petroleum. What look for their visitors in Internet? That is the main question in the work CATHEDRAL but by all means it is a point that goes beyond the positioning. To know clearly pair what the Web has been realised, what is hoped to obtain of her, who is hoped that it visits and other basic questions, will have to determine not only the positioning strategy, but also design, the architecture of the site, hosting chosen, the strategy of marketing generally and the amount of effort and work that is going away to invest in constructing and maintaining the site. A poor formulation of these questions has caused that more than a company than adventure in Internet, breaks soon after.
In order to do it with effectiveness a trustworthy previous study is needed. Therefore, to say that it is going away to position the Web to obtain more visits is a little simplistic term. The great advantage of marketing in finders is that it allows to obtain and to catch described traffic. If everything is made correctly, it is going away to attract that is interested in the product or service that offers the Web site.
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