Project: “To your health!” -Care and prevention of accidents in school – Year: 2009 “It is not enough to know, should also apply. It is not enough to want, should also be done. “Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) German poet and playwright. Proposed by the teacher Marcela Here – Head Teacher 6th “A” School No. 2 and 2nd Interim Master “B” School No. 14 of Coronel Rosales Backers of the project in operation: Who participates MUNICIPALITY SCHOOLS Municipalidad de Coronel Rosales Municipal Hospital “Eva Per n” Professional Nurses or Nursing Assistants Management Teams School Counselling Teams rosale as Schools Parents of pupils from different schools. Recipients of the project: Direct Target: Students of Coronel Rosales Indirect recipients: rosale as educational Communities Institutional Area School buildings in operation Justification The aim of the project is that the incorporation of school nursing supply security and efficient immediate care to children (and staff of DGC and E) without affecting practically the development of school days, becoming the health emergency in one instance that may be experienced as an experience as painless as possible for all students. Objectives Maintaining a good environment for study and work in schools in Coronel Rosales Avoid complications in health emergency to ensure the best care for the injured. Specific health problems who have children while in school: – Occasional accidents in recess and physical education hours ranging from minor scrapes or bruises from falls from sprains or broken bones. – Indispositions unforeseen (vomiting, colitis, pains, fever, etc.). – Bloody nose – First menses in girls – Care of students with specific problems in treating epilepsy, hemophilia, celiac disease, etc. Goals What are the benefits FOR THE MUNICIPALITY FOR THE COMMUNITY SCHOOL “That given the preventive care of nurses in schools streamline and optimize care in the Municipal Hospital in the field of vaccination and medical guard, as well as the various first-aid rooms neighborhoods. “That 100 of the students and staff of DGC and E. need immediate attention in case of accident during the school day. “That will release the teacher of an activity for which they are not prepared but they perform, even at the cost of abandoning her group of students in charge. Human Resources: Initially will require the presence of a professional nurse or nursing assistant school. In schools increased enrollment shall be deemed a nurse per 200 students. It may provide also the possibility of providing hours of internships to students of the Red Cross branch Bahia Blanca (1), who would be inadequate annually the various hospital departments for their practices. Proposed work: ACTION PROTOCOL What will school the school nurse PREVENTION TASK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY – During the month of February, and throughout the period of enrollment in schools, will take control of health booklets for new students and advice on vaccination in general. – Once the school year will be responsible for: Publish preventive health campaigns Make contact with the Municipal Hospital to complete the vaccination mandatory for students and collaborate with the manager of vaccines and immunizations Biweekly monitoring the group to prevent the spread of head lice – In case of illness banal assist the student and contact the family to withdraw the child from the establishment. – In case of accident will pay the injured students and assess whether it is necessary to call an ambulance for medical care and / or transfer to hospital. – In all cases inform the teacher in charge of the child and family the details of it, being records which describe all the procedures performed to attach the bundle of accident and / or student’s educational file. Schedule: The project will last a year, being affected the nursing staff during the same time as the assistant teachers and education. Evaluation: Will be conducted by staff DGCyE of schools to which extent the benefit and raised to HCD
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