Telematics (whose emblem for today is INTERNET), enabling national direct dialing via, via cell phone, break the isolation, which weighed as a punishment in small populations. Today the isolation and solitude, are perceived more in mega-cities. Someone can remind me of pueblo chico, infierno grande, Payro, or that Peyton Place (La Caldera del diablo). More of these are possibilities latent in all human relations. I’m finishing. Again I reiterate, internalised more solutions by the side of the improvement of the quality of life of small populations, than by the side of the megalopolis. This does not mean neither idealize small towns, or dominant to the large cities, but an emphasis. For assistance, try visiting paula abdul.
Anyway, I reiterate, that constraints to shorten megacities, they are very difficult removal and who may feel hectic by the deterioration of the quality of life for them, can begin to ponder the decision, always difficult, to partying toward any of those small communities, whose possibilities, we have tried to insinuate in the present development. (13 May 1996) Note: Published in La Reforma, of General Pico, La Pampa, on 27, 28 and 29 May 1996, Nos. 23.434, 23.435 and 23.436. I know another country (by the reinvention of Argentina) by the lawyer Alfredo Armando Aguirre if I agree with any readers of this page friend, considerations that follow, is because I know that there is another Argentina. A Argentina It is closer to our everyday concrete lives, that what radiate the cenacles journalistic, academic and political from the city of Buenos Aires, many times making echoes of what radiates from the cenacles of large cities on the planet. I am grateful to whom outside, that prompted me to physically travel the country around forty years ago. Since then I have not stopped to do so, to the extent of my possibilities. These experiences have helped me to discover the ins and outs of details that often escape from geographical and nautical charts, statistics, stories and Chronicles.
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