One of ordinary skill in promoting sites knows how tedious manual registration site on bulletin boards. Not only that, these boards must be found, each ad has to manually process, from an economic point view is not justified because the time will be spent a lot, but the result of taking into account the errors a little fill-out forms. However, to address this issue are able to special programs for the automatic sending of ads. Such distribution leads to a brief burst of traffic for 2-3 days or more. The reason is that the announcement on the bulletin board attracts the attention of visitors for the most part when he is on the main page board. Further, as it falls and lowering the number of views.
However, a number of days would be enough to attract visitors. If the site contains an interesting requested information, the temporal visit easily become permanent. Particularly good results are obtained by this type of site promotion for rare queries, as well as for sites that do not have the budget. In some cases it is advisable 2.1 to send only low-frequency queries the site, excluding all others. This allows you to display the data requests to the top positions. In order for site promotion by mailing programs to be effective, should properly be text ads.
Headlines ads must include a rigorous entry opportunities for the key, minimally diluted in other words. Part of the keywords you want to include in brief description text, but it is natural to strive for maximum word to the last not look like the anchor-sheet. The more natural and appealing will be the text, the greater the likelihood that a visitor wants to go to the site with your ad. Some sites are so specific theme that is important to them in the first place to attract customers to a new unfamiliar topic. In this case, the emphasis in the ads is not the key words, which may or may not be quite as well for selling texts, preparation of which at times becomes an art. Track the performance of distribution is quite easy. First, it can be done using any statistical installed on the site, which will increase traffic in the days immediately dispatches. Second, some customers report that after sending markedly increases the number of calls to their organization. Third, it will be observed increase of link mass, which is also a positive factor in promoting the site. Thus, the automatic delivery of ads on the boards website allows you to efficiently solve certain problems in its promotion.
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