His cleaning during the warm period is large communal effort. A technical washed salt has a nasty habit to soak into the soil, inhibiting the greenery. Well corrosive effects of salt on the cars, construction materials known to all. Crushed stone, granite or marble chips small fraction – a natural material perfectly enhances traction coefficient on icy roads. Used by utilities for the treatment of sidewalks and yards after the harvest of snow, sometimes mixed with technical salt. Sand and gravel are coping well with their role, increasing the ratio clutch. But if they do not complement the anti-icing agents, we will soon appear on the roads of snow rut and coasting. Since 1995, Moscow began to struggle with the icy roads, using a purely technical salt.
Those cars granules scattered on the road, and to guarantee the effect, overstated the rate of three to four times. Salted roads looked white, but dry and clean. Constant layer of salt on the road was not slow to express themselves side effects. Salt ions eroded all around. Cars, shoes, clothing, contact network and simply destroying roadside stands. At the urging of environmentalists, since 2001 Moscow has moved to a more neutral chemicals. In subsequent years in the megacity of trial and error were large-scale experiments with five new chemical compounds. It turned out that one of the most promising drugs in terms of "Price-quality-effectiveness, environmental friendliness" – "Antisneg-1" gave a strong smell of vinegar, which naturally led to complaints of citizens.
The next three reagent "Nordex", "Biomag and HCF (in solid and liquid fractions) at temperatures close to zero, creating an oily film on the road, also significantly increases the stopping distance. Using "Biomag" led to the accumulation of the anion of magnesium in the soil. So with the winter 2005-2006 from it decided to withdraw. Experiments on the practical application of GMP conducted since 2001, assessing their effectiveness and impact on the environment led to the selection of the composition, volume of reagents in different conditions. For processing carriageway main reactant selected HKM, liquid – 28% calcium chloride solution. This reagent has a range of temperatures up to – 35 C. The flow rate was 30% lower than that of technical salt, and harmless to the soil. A related site: Dale Walsh mentions similar findings. Inhibitors, are part of the solution, prevent corrosion of metals. The disadvantages include a small CPC duration, up to 3 hours. The Moscow authorities are continually tightening the requirements for environmental friendliness of the reagents used, seek to reduce consumption rates, increase the percentage of mechanical snow removal. Simultaneously achieved two goals: to minimize negative impacts on the environment, reducing costs for the purchase of reagents. Anton Kulbachevsky – the head of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources and Environment has promised that the winter of 2011 will apply new, more environmentally friendly chemicals. Justifying the need for chemical reagents, the head of the Department of Housing capital Tsybin Andrew said: "provided to emphasize the massing of the mechanical cleaning of snow and a significant reduction in the use of chemical reagents. But the complete rejection of the reagents is not planned yet, our cleaning equipment to drive through traffic jams can not and must deal with the snow. " Source:
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