China advances not be ignored that China aspires to progress in all aspects. It seeks to put a vehicle buggy unmanned on the Moon by 2012, which lay the foundations for their maximum ambition of putting a man on the natural satellite. In October 2003, China became the third country that launches a man into space with its own rocket, after the former Soviet Union and United States. The Asian power sent in October 2005 two additional astronauts on a five-day flight in his spacecraft Shenzhou VI. China launched its third manned in September space mission, and released a live recording of their first spacewalk, which captivated the nation. Its first lunar probe, the Change-1 satellite, named after a mythological lonely goddess who lives on the Moon and longs for her husband, concluded last month its mission then of orbit thousands of times the Earth satellite. China will send a probe and a buggy Lunar near 2012, reported the Beijing News daily, citing State television. Before the lunar probe, China will send the Change-2 satellite to complete another mission around the Moon, said CCTV.
China said its lunar mission would include three steps of orbit, landing and returning, but so far has not revealed any manned lunar mission scope, impact on the other hand program also exists, a serious concern for us, as americaeconomia review. com, before the rise of the influence of China in Latin America. You don’t want or imagine the consequences of a possible contagion of Communist ideology to the countries of the subcontinent, many of them led by left-wing governments like Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia or Uruguay. And even less the effect on its economy of a fruitful commercial alliance with these Nations. Finally, after exports to Asian countries, they are mainly to China, those who are pulling their GDP.
Faced with this situation, Washington has opted to trivialize the economic benefits of a rapprochement between the continent and the Asian giant. At a discussion organized in the U.S. Congress to analyze the influence of China in Latin America, Noriega made these statements in the U.S. Congress during a debate on China’s influence in Latin America, the Deputy Secretary for the subcontinent of the Department of State of United States, Roger Noriega, said that Chinese investments are typically in loans that usually require that the works are made by companies in the Asian country, and warns that with such Chinese investment it will be more competitive in the global market, but at the expense of the economies of Latin America. U.S. officials also highlighted that China is a country that is essentially developing relationships with producers of iron, copper, steel, integrated circuits, electrical machinery, and petroleum. Perhaps this last that most worries the Bush administration, although already this for coming out and let Obama this inheritance. Latin American countries on the other hand, are intended to counter the influence in their productive sectors of the massive influx of Chinese products in the region; circumstances were also commissioned to put in evidence the U.S. congressmen. According to the data offered by the Chairman of the Subcommittee for the Western hemisphere of the lower House, Dan Burton, Chinese imports of Latinoameri Eng. industrial, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM) UC. Postgraduate master’s degrees in business administration, quality and productivity; Education Doctorate in education professor and researcher Faces UC graduate Area.
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