To construct knowledge, in I begin, the pupil necessary of the presence of a critical professor and conscientious e, moreover, functions as facilitador guide or mediating who is patient and that she allows that the thought of who learns follows its natural way to convert the knowledge into something proper. Many educators follow the order of the school, that many only opt in making something different of room inside and many are alone there to gain the money and does not stop helping the children, it is to have conscience that the same ones are there for learning and supplying knowledge. It is important to stand out that the learning is involved the tricks also to become a gostosa lesson and to have the contact of professor and pupil to hear what the children have to say and to leave well comfortable they inside of the classroom to help in its reasoning of development. The school is a space of cultural production, even so comes being treated as place to acquisition of culture. Also in the school we can live the paradoxical experience to be creative producers of cultural or only consuming goods of existing models already.
If to understand the practical professor, the formation process thus that is estimated to it and that the career of the professors is developed throughout all, requires the mobilization of knowing theoreticians to them and practical capable to propitiate the development of the bases. The estimated ones of the formation of the professor are to argue as to assure an adequate domain of science, the technique and the art of the profession it stops to enter in the market of work and this prepared to teach the children to discover its way. FINAL CONSIDERAES The intention of this research is to analyze basic the positive and negative points to be worked in the initial series, of that it forms and as it can be presented for one better development for the children. The research brought one to know to awake a knowledge concrete of as to give to it with the children in the initial series and to awake the curiosity of each one and pointing new ways of if learning, through playful activities. The research is true, based in the hypothesis and the objectives gifts. By means of this we suggest new research regarding the subject ' ' the importance of the communication in the series iniciais' ' so that it can bring new knowledge for future educators. REFERENCES OAK, CATELAR OF.
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