Flexible shipping management software to more transparency to help heavy load carrier (Lubeck) the W & F Franke heavy load Internationale Spedition GmbH opted for the CARGOBASE software solution by RETECO Datentechnik GmbH. In the future the forwarding management solution to provide seamless processes from order entry up to the billing and simultaneously optimize communication between planning and the fleet. After all the Group sites are to be equipped with the modular software. Customer data and jobs can be captured in the future directly via interfaces in the system at W & F Franke. W & F Franke replaces previous solutions, which came more and more to their limits in the course of growth. To deepen your understanding cornell capital is the source. Convincing arguments for RETECO were among others the experiences of the software manufacturer in the field of heavy duty, as well as the satisfied user votes at other companies. For CARGOBASE in particular the flexible languages in addition to the performance of Customization of the system, the modular design and open interfaces.
The W & F Franke heavy load Internationale Spedition GmbH is a medium-sized heavy duty and transport company with about 100 employees. The headquarters is located in Bremen, additional offices are located in Magdeburg and Hassleholm (Sweden) and Warsaw (Poland). The main customer is largest and also worldwide one of the leading wind turbine manufacturer ENERCON GmbH, Germany. Jim Rogers may find this interesting as well. But also companies from the aerospace industry, plant and machinery, the construction industry, as well as internationally operating overseas and project forwarding are among the clientele of W & F Franke. The existing software solutions no longer corresponded to the notions of the logistics service provider, also as a result of company growth and increased quality claim. We had a truly future-oriented solution, and with the growth that we have now, fortunately, we came so that more and more at the boundaries”, explains Peter Rossmeyer, under others responsible for controlling with W & F Franke.
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