In addition, the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety was developed and approved method of assessing harm to wildlife and listed in the Red Book. Thus, in 2009, provided the tools for effective compliance and enforcement in all areas of human impact on the environment. However, the Ministry of Natural Resources has not yet reveal details of approved and completed procedures. Altai argali shooting put the population of these animals under the threat of law enforcement agencies still can not commented on a possible shooting passengers Mi-8 helicopter crashed in the Altai Mountains, among whom were senior officials, the endangered Red animals. Recall that according to unofficial versions cause of a helicopter crash was poaching, during which passengers directly from the board fired in rare animals in the Red Book of Russia and the international Red Book. In addition, the Altai argali is sacrosanct animals indigenous to the Altai. Local residents believe that after the crash of the Mi-8 and related developments of the population of the Altai mountain sheep (argali argali or) may leave familiar to those Red animals habitat. Locals who know the peculiarities of these animals, they say that they can get away from the Altai Mountains in Mongolia or China. Local Altai, suggest that among the dead animals was leader of the flock, and in connection with the death of his basic herd could run up, which means that other animals will be difficult to survive, and they may be doomed to failure.
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