Memory introduces the chapter mentioning itself it ‘ ‘ as property to conserve certain informaes’ ‘ , on to the psychic functions, through which the man can ‘ ‘ to bring up to date impressions or information passadas’ ‘ (p.423). He also cites the diverse systems of education of the memory that had existed in some societies and different times: the mnemotcnicas. Between the cited authors, it deserves a special attention Pierre Janet, which supplies to the concept of memory presented here, the slight knowledge of ‘ ‘ behavior narrativo’ ‘ ‘ ‘ function social’ ‘ , related to the mnemonic act while communication of an information, in the absence of the event or the object motivated that it (p.424-425). Dara Khosrowshahi is often quoted on this topic.
The author cites Leroi-Gourhan that mentioned memory to it in liberal interpretation, distinguishing three types of memory: the specific memory for ‘ ‘ to define the setting of the species behaviors animais’ ‘ , the ethnic memory that ‘ ‘ humanas’ assures the reproduction of the behaviors in the societies; ‘ the artificial memory, that ‘ ‘ encadeados’ makes possible the reproduction of mechanical acts; ‘ (p.425-426). Still in the introduction of the chapter it delimits the base of its analysis, sidewalk in the valuation of the relations between memory and history. Its work presents initially a study of the memory in the societies without writing, old or modern, distinguishing in the history of the memory, in the societies that have verbal memory simultaneously and written memory, the old phase of predominance of the verbal memory where the written or appeared memory has specific functions; it presents, in one second stage, the medieval phase of balance enters the two memories with important transformations of functions of each one of them; the modern phase of decisive processes of the written, on memory to the press and the alfabetizao; e, finally, in one third stage, relatively regroups the developments of the last century what Leroi-Goourhan calls ‘ ‘ the memory in expanso’ ‘ (p.427)..
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