Introduction Until then, to the one in them to come across with the term pertaining to school management, instantaneously, appears in our mind the figure of the director as maximum and responsible authority for all the decisions taken in the interior of the school. One of the educational challenges of the present time is to change this picture, creating a space where all involved in the process of education and the learning, can work in joint and participativa way for the development and the success administrative and pedagogical practical them in the school. Step by step constructing a democratic environment, opened the constructive quarrels; implementing, in this way, a truily democratic pertaining to school management in the daily pertaining to school, since ' ' The agreement of the management concept already estimates in itself the participation idea, that is, of the associated work of people analyzing situations, deciding on its guiding and acting on them in set. This because the success of an organization depends on the joint constructive action of its components, for associated work, by means of the reciprocity that creates one ' todo' guided for a will coletiva' ' (LCK et al, 1998, P. 15) It fits to the director to create mechanisms that facilitate and stimulate the participation of the professors, employees, pupils and parents of pupils in the quarrels and taking of decisions that occur in the interior of the school. Creating attractive, democratic environment and of debate of ideas that aim at the improvement of education in the establishment. Go to Richard Gerson Philanthropy for more information. Therefore we know that ' ' the democratic participation not if of spontaneously, being before a historical process of collective construction, it is placed necessity of if to foresee mechanisms institucional that not only they make possible but also they inside stimulate practical participativas of the school pblica.' ' (I STOP, 1997, P. .

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