ROLDAN MANUEL CAMPOS Distinguished by the National Assembly of Rectors for its production bibliographic essay on Popper. National Award in Research Psychology from the College of Psychologists of Peru. Lecturer at various universities (C sar Vallejo, San Martin de Porres, Garcilazo). Teaching Undergraduate and Graduate School of Psychology in San Marcos. Speaker at national and international events. Record high production. He has been a professor and head of the Center for Pre-University Course in San Marcos and contributor to the Central Office of Admission. MARIO TUEROS Works at the International Labor Organization of the United Nations (ILO), Microenterprise Development Specialist. Former Professor at the University of San Marcos, a researcher on issues of Social Psychology.Speaker at national and international events, high production record. CARLOS ARENAS IPARRAGUIRRE He has been professor in several universities at undergraduate and graduate (Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Villarreal, Cayetano Heredia), Director of the Psychological Research Institute of San Marcos (IIPSI).Former Director of Psychology Degree UNMSM Dessert, Former Managing Director, School of Psychology UNMSM, Distinguished by the College of Psychologists for his research in social psychology. Record high production. He is Professor at the Graduate Level and undergraduate at the School of Psychology UNMSM. In the picture opening an event in San Marcos. GUSTAVO Ascac bar who became DEVIDA Manager, Director of an NGO, worked at CEDAR. ISMAEL VEGA Became president of Amnesty International, where he did an outstanding job.Work in various NGOs and was Professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos FEDERICO TONG HURTADO Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Former Councilor of the Municipality of Lima during the administration of Alberto Andrade, where he has developed various projects especially the Youth.
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