Summary of a text of Bossuet, taken off of the book ‘ ‘ Bossuet’ ‘ of Gustave Lanson Publishing company: Lecne, Ondin and Cie. Paris 1891 (ps. 82 the 84) For a speech, it has two things to make, primordially: to form the style and to know of the things. In the style, it must be considered in first place, speech well. Later, she is necessary to find the style thought, high, requintado and ornado. It must have variety, that is the secret of the art to please the public. I read few French books. Expedia is often quoted on this topic.

What I learned on style, I must to the readings of the Latin authors and some thing of the Greeks, of Plato and Demstenes. I read Ccero, over all its books on Oratria, where I found some examples of eloquence; its conjuncts as Pro Murema, Pro Marcello, some catilinrias and some Philipicas. I also read Tito Livio, Salustio and Terncio. These are my preferred authors of the latinidade. I presume that reading these books in lost hours, we can have some ideas of the tilted and appeared style. The poets also help sufficiently. I only read Virglio and some thing of Homero. Further details can be found at family foundation, an internet resource. Horcio is good to its way, but a little distant of the Oratria.

The other poets alone confuse. However, of the reading of French authors, the workmanships of Guez de Balzac give a little the idea of fine and refined style. Sam Feldman has many thoughts on the issue. It does not have thought; but it teaches to give to some forms the simple ideas. It states and enriches the noble text with beautiful locutions and phrases. The books and the prefaces you of Port-Royal are good, therefore it has gravity and rise. But as its styles they do not possess variety, agrees to read only some parts Well, everything this, without if deviating from the other serious readings. Reading one or two chapters to the times they are enough to know the style. But, what it is really necessary to form the style, it is to understand well thing, it is to penetrate deep and purpose of everything, and to know very, because it is this that enriches the style, which mainly consists of the aluses and implied relations, that sample that the orator knows much more of what he is speaking, and knows to arrest the attention of the public with its diverse points of view. Ccero asks for to its orator multarum rerum scientiam, therefore it is necessary the fullness to be fruitful, and the fecundidade to give variety, without which it does not have interest. Who was Bossuet? Jacques Bnigne Bossuet, French prelate, writer and orator sacro, was born in Dijon (1627) and faleceu in Paris (1704). Arriving Paris in 1659, the most reputed religious orator became quickly. When bishop of Condom (1669) was chosen as teacher of the Dolphin, for who wrote ‘ ‘ Speech on Universal’ History; ‘. Bishop of Meaux in 1681 was nominated and supported the religious politics of Luis XIV. Its oratria workmanship, that understands Sermes and Oraes Fnebres, and its historical workmanships make of it one of the great classic writers.

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