Six months are a few examples from the advertisement of the provider free, cheaper than a normal telecommunications connections. But can keep the service there? Six months are a few examples from the advertisement of the provider free, cheaper than a normal telecommunications connections. But can keep the service there? Increasingly hears and reads it quiet but also loud criticism of the business practices of the provider. As an example a particularly amazing experience report by Mrs E. From Schwarzenbek, name and address are known to the editors and can be obtained if you are interested, we have reviewed the case because Mrs E. has turned for help to us.

Here excerpts of your letter to us: ladies and gentlemen, about 4 years ago I made a connection with telephone and Internet Flatrate at 1and1. 2 years ran everything without problems, but shortly after contract extension, nothing worked. That was approx one and a half years ago. It was followed by expensive phone calls with the customer hotline, it made me so practical proposals such as waste Telephone boxes abknippsen (does not exist), or said the signal was too weak, because perhaps a neighbor had also DSL. A promised technician did not appear. Invoices for a performance that I don’t get is what appears regularly.

A termination due to the non-provision was not adopted, instead contracted a debt collection company, because I set the payments now after one and a half years. That hits us especially hard because my partner is disabled and we are instructed on telephone and Internet. I had to finish so a telephone connection at the Telekom as well as a mobile Internet connection. I’m paying three contracts only because 1and1 does not fulfil his obligations. “We are mentally and most financially at the end, we kindly ask you for help!” Admitted a drastic case, but not the only one like us letters proved. Of course, including customers of other providers are affected, but this case was unique in its kind. Maybe the provider should rethink your strategy, more and more new customers to attract, rather than to maintain your existing customers.

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